All Voting is Local

Stronger Democracy Award
All Voting is Local

Through grassroots power-building, data analysis, and strategic communications, All Voting is Local fights to eliminate needless and discriminatory barriers to the ballot before they happen in order to build a democracy that works for us all.

Last Updated: January 2024
Competition Participation
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Stronger Democracy Award


  • Arizona, United States of America
  • Georgia, United States of America
  • Nevada, United States of America
  • Pennsylvania, United States of America
  • Wisconsin, United States of America
  • Florida, United States of America
  • Michigan, United States of America
  • Ohio, United States of America
  • Adults (19+)
  • Economically disadvantaged people
  • Immigrants
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Low-income people
  • People of African descent
  • People of Latin American descent
  • People with disabilities
  • Young adults
  • 10. Reduced inequalities
  • 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Executive Summary

All Voting is Local was founded on the principle that the problems people face when they try to vote are solvable – if the people who make decisions about our right to vote are accountable to the communities they serve. Working in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, All Voting is Local works hand in hand with impacted communities to build sustained, locally tailored advocacy campaigns focused on these very decision-makers. Through our three tactical pillars of grassroots power-building, data-driven advocacy, and strategic communications, All Voting Is Local is driving toward the following objectives:

  • Expanding access to the ballot for Black, Brown, Native American, and other historically disenfranchised communities.
  • Ensuring the votes of the communities we serve are counted and that election results are accepted, including by partisan actors.
  • Amplifying the power of communities most impacted by voter suppression by providing tools, resources, and infrastructure to protect and expand their own vote.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

All Voting is Local

Organization Headquarters
District of Columbia, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
26 to 50
Annual Operating Budget
$5.1 to 10 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


Our team worked diligently and successfully to ensure that voters, election officials, and our advocacy partners were ready for the 2022 midterm election. We maintained a laser-like focus on election administration issues by deploying our three-pronged approach of data-driven organizing, strategic communications, and building community power. Our team addressed critical issues facing voters, including maintaining access to voter registration, expanding mail-voting for all voters, and promoting safe and widespread in-person voting options.

Our work helped to marginalize bad scots and election deniers and made the environment less welcoming to baseless claims that our elections results cannot be trusted. Specifically, we co-led efforts in our states and nationally to prepare for a critical election crisis, such as large-scale intimidation, the infiltration of our election administration systems by election deniers, and efforts to subvert election results.

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