Just and Equitable Clean Energy Transition: 100,000 Diverse Clean Energy Entrepreneurs by 2030

New Energy Nexus

The 25x25 Electricity Access Acceleration Collaborative will work to bring decentralized renewable energy to 25 emerging markets, ending energy poverty in those markets by 2025.

Last Updated: June 2024
Competition Participation
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Climate Change & Environment
  • Australia
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Uganda
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States of America
  • Vietnam
  • Bangladesh
  • Cambodia
  • Malawi
  • South Africa
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tanzania
  • Ukraine
  • Low-income people
  • People experiencing absolute poverty
  • 7. Affordable and clean energy

Executive Summary

Nearly a billion people remain trapped in energy poverty and must survive without access to electricity, relying instead on kerosene, diesel, and other fossil fuels. Energy poverty marginalizes those affected, limiting their active role in society and their potential for study, work, and other pursuits. A brighter future is possible. Decentralized renewable energy (DRE), including mini-grids and home solar systems, directly engage energy impoverished individuals in creating their own power.

From Bangladesh to Zimbabwe, energy-poor consumers have proven by the millions that they can—and will—opt for DRE solutions when given the choice and with the right political and financial support. 25x25’s solution is to rapidly develop the ecosystem that enables this choice. By engaging governments, donors, and the private sector, and leveraging consumer choice, we will create vibrant markets that can deliver universal energy access in a fraction of the time predicted, costing less than traditional approaches.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

New Energy Nexus

website: https://www.powerforall.org
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
10 to 25
Annual Operating Budget
$1.0 to 5 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.

2021 Swift Grants Awardee

New Energy Nexus and Power for All, together were selected as a 2021 Swift Grants Awardee. The Swift Grants fund provides small grants to Bold Solutions Network members for collaborative projects.

This partnership will implement a course on "Energy Microgrids" as part of a clean energy online school that will equip startup entrepreneurs, starting with Asia, with the knowledge and tools to launch their first startup. This course is designed to be scaled to reach thousands of aspiring clean energy entrepreneurs across the world.

2022 Swift Grants Awardee

Power For All and the University of Waterloo will drive awareness of the Distributed Renewable Energy sector’s potential as a jobs engine through an advocacy campaign and student mentorship. The campaign will target students and emerging professionals in 44 African and Asian countries.


In 2023, New Energy Nexus (NEX) supported over 1,000 clean energy entrepreneurs across 12 countries to advance a just and equitable clean energy transition. We implemented and expanded programming in the Global South particularly for youth, women, and other underrepresented communities to ensure that everyone has access to clean energy, including:

- Youth: Youth Entrepreneurial Accelerator (Yea!). We partnered with the Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside to launch the Youth Entrepreneurial Accelerator (YEA!) in Imperial County, California with over 300+ students participating..

- Women Entrepreneurs: the Bali Women Climate Entrepreneur Project. This accelerator and incubator program offers four months of tailored business support for women-led climate entrepreneurs in Bali to enhance their business.

- Global South: COP 28 UAE Accelerator Program. NEX partnered on a one-of-a-kind climate tech program leading up to COP28 in Dubai. The program accelerated 100 early-stage climate startups and small businesses with a focus on the Global South.

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